 We are Michael and Taz from a city called Newcastle upon Tyre in the UK. We are representing an organisation called Opportunity Global, on NGO that focuses on KA1, KA2, ESC and local projects. When we landed in Istanbul, the warm(ish) weather, 8°C, was a welcome change from the -2°C when we left Newcastle. Through we travelled separately I arrived on different days, we both arrived at Istanbul Airport around 4 am. Michael was surprised that it was fully functional, even in the middle of the night.
 In Istanbul, I (Taz) saw the Blue Mosque, Topkapı Palace, Basilica Cistern, Hagia Sophia Museum, Dolmabahçe Palace and Galata Tower, I also tried the local Turkish Baths. When Michael arrived, we wondered the streets of Istanbul, went to the Grand Bazaar, experinced some of the local cuisine, I saw the Bosphorus Bridge (which connects the European and Asian parts of Istanbul).
 The project had a good mix of participants, from a variety of nations, cultures and background. The group gathered together well and fast, a compliment to choice by the organisers. This has led to strong bonds and potential long lasting relationships that is likely to be friends for life.
 The trainers (Zivile and Serdar), were fantastic with great enthuasim and very supportive. They ensured a positive and inclusive learning environment which further heightened the relationship development within the group. The TC was very informative and the trainers managed to keep participants engaged and active in all tasks (this is rare in such project).
 We learnt a lot and are greatly appreaciative of their efforts and the team of Turkish participants that supported the TC throuhgout. We aim to take this experience and new found knowledge and apply it to the new ESC system to give many budding volunteers the opportunity to enjoy Erasmus and all it has to offer and with this more forward with young and blossoming partnership.
 Thank you IYACA for all you have done and for hosting us in such a marvelous way.
 The kindest and warmest hugs from the UK and all at opportunity UK.

Michael Robinson, Tasbiha Mukhtar
  It has been our first experience in the European Solidarity Corps and we can say that it has been very positive.
 Along the project we have known all the steps and tools related to this program. The learning process  has been very dinamic. It has combined talks with games giving us the opportunity yo energized the process.
 We have gained a deeper knowledge in intercultural learning, risk management and writing projects. All the same time, we have gained the opportunity to exchange experiences and points of view with people from other countries and cultures, while we were sharing all together at same time at the hotel.
 On the other hand, we have improved our languages and skills, above all in the activities because they allow us to rethink and reconsider the way in which we do the projects. We have also improved our communication skills in different languages.
 As the seminar has been in Istanbul, we have also had the opportunity to know the capital. It has been a very interesting experience because is a city where different cultures meet. We have been able to taste traditionals meals and to know more about the history of one of the exotical cities. To finish, we would like to add that for one of us it was an impact to see how many people come to Istanbul for a capital treatment.

Juan Jesús Montiel Rozas, Diego Leon Diazgranados de Pablo
 Suncokret Center for Community Development is an association located in the town of Vrginmost located in Gvozd Municipality in Croatia.
 It is a small and rural town located in beautiful hilly and forested surroundings. Suncokret provides access to educational and creative activities, promotes volunteerism, social inclusion and increases access to learning opportunities and information. At the community centre we work with  rural children and youth with fewer opportunities on a daily basis.  Suncokret hosts about 15-20 EVS/ESC volunteers per year and numerous international volunteer camps throughout the year. We host from 150-190 volunteers per year.
 We run a Local Volunteer Center, Youth Club and a Community Center. At the Local Volunteer Centre we have organic gardens, orchards and conduct sustainability and eco construction workshops. At the community center we provide after school programs for the local children in the multiethnic community where we provide everything from educational activities, tutoring, homework help to games, sports, fun and creative workshops. We also publish our own local news magazines, hold documentary film workshops and numerous other activities.
 We learned new methods such as new team building activities and energizers that we can use when we host volunteers, organize youth exchanges and with our children and youth in the local community.
 The overview of the European Solidarity Corps was helpful and especially to re-familiarize ourselves with the new programme guide and opportunities. Also, traineeships and job shadowing was touched upon and that information would be really useful for our local youth that live and work abroad but wish to return back home.
 From other hosting organizations we received feedback and suggestions in terms of what they put in their Activity Agreements. We also discussed different ways to conduct the orientations in more interactive ways such as through a Croatia quiz, or a treasure hunt, or a village/city orientation game. It was helpful to hear from other participants about how they monitor and reinforce learning and work on learning plans with their volunteers.
 It was inspiring to learn from other organizations about their work and activities. In addition, we also had the chance to discuss potential partnerships and collaborations.

What we learned about project; 
 We learned from attending this training course all about European Solidarity corps. The main topic was how to write a project.
The training covered steps such as Quality label process, Risk evaluation, Partnerships making, Project application, Payment, Selection of the volunteer, Training and orientation services,  Final report after project ending. We can use this knowledge to start our own projects or help our NGO.
What was a surprise; 
 We learned a lot about other cultures. Really enjoyed cultural nights. It was interesting to see every country foods and drinks. Also their traditions, languages, dances and games.
 We made a lot of friends and contacts for making future partnerships. Project participants were from 14 countries such as Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
 This project was really interesting and well organized. The main organizer Serdar was very professional and hard working with us.
 The venue was in a really nice rural area. In the vicinity there were many animals such as goats and chickens. In our hotel territory there were 2 dogs and catwoman with her 2 adorable kittens. They were often visiting us when we were eating to ask for some food. Local food was really tasty. We loved the strong black tea and even stronger coffee.
Turkey was really beautiful and the weather was mostly nice and sunny. We had a free day in Istanbul to discover the city of timeless charm that owes much to its rich history. 

 Öncelikle bu etkinliği organize ettiği için IYACA-Uluslarası Gençlik Aktiviteleri Merkezi Derneği’ne ve Avrupa’nın 15 ülkesinden katılımcılarını ve deneyimlerini gönderen potansiyel ortak kuruluşlarımıza teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
Yedi günlük seminer boyunca Avrupa Dayanışma Programı’nın köşe taşları ile proje yazımında kullanabileceğimiz çok çeşitli araç ve uygulama hakkında bilgi sahibi olduk ve ortaklık kurmanın ve onu sürdürebilir ve sağlam tutmanın önemi üzerinde çokça durduk. Bununla beraber, grup çalışmasının hayati önemini bir kez daha görme ve deneyimleme fırsatına eriştik. Grup içi ve ortaklar arası diyalogun geliştirilmesi hususunda farklı yaklaşımlar hakkında tartıştık ve fikir paylaşımında bulunduk.
 Seminer süresince diyalog kurma ve çalışma tarzlarını tanıma fırsatı bulduğumuz derneklerle ileride kuracağımız olası ortaklıklar için çok heyecanlıyız. Fix in Art olarak her türlü yerel ve uluslar arası gönüllülük aktivitelerini planlarken ve geliştirirken burada edindiğimiz bilgileri ve kurduğumuz güzel bağları göz önünde bulunduracağımızdan eminiz. 15 farklı derneğin çalışma tarzı ve yaklaşımlarını tanımak bize benzerliklerimizi ve farklılıklarımızı görmek ve somut durumumuzun somut tahlilini yapma imkanı verdi. Selanik’e, derneğimize döndükten sonra çalışma arkadaşlarımız ve gönüllülerimiz ile paylaşacağımız bütün bu gözlemlerin, derneğimizin ilerideki çalışmalarına ışık tutarken, iç işleyişimizin de gelişmesine katkı sağlayacağı aşikardır. Bu bağlamda, yaptığımız işin önemini ve Avrupa’nın diğer yerlerindeki karşılığını görmek bizi bu alanda daha da cesur ve büyük adımlar atmaya hevesli kılacaktır. Zira, gençlik çalışmaları ve gönüllülük projeleri kısa sürede sonuç verebilecek çalışmalar olarak algılanmaz. Ancak, proje süresinde beraber olduğumuz dernek temsilcilerinin bu yollardan geçip geldiğini (gönüllülük faaliyetine katılmak, çeşitli değişim projelerinde katılımcı olarak yer almak) ve bugün hala bu alanda hevesle ve aktif olarak çalıştığını görmek, bize bu alanda çalışmanın sabır isteyen ancak güzel sonuçlara gebe bir deneyim olduğunu bir kez daha göstermiş oldu. Bunun için, katılımcı organizasyonların seçiminde bu denli bir hassasiyeti gözettiği için Uluslarası Gençlik Aktiviteleri Merkezi Derneği (IYACA)’ne birkez daha teşekkür eder, ilerleyen süreçte kendilerinin ve bizim tarafımızdan organize edilen faaliyetlerde aktif olarak katkı sunacağımızı ve bundan mutluluk duyacağımızı belirtmek isteriz.Emeği geçen ve bir hafta boyunca bizimle olan IYACA temsilcilerine, proje eğitmenimiz Serdar Osman Dobur’a ve Zivile Jankauskaite Türkmen’e ayrıca teşekkürlerimizi sunarız. Buradan bir kez daha herkesi Selanik’e, derneğimiz Anazitites Theatrou (Fix in Art)’a davet ederiz. Yunanistan’ın sıcaklığıyla herkesi selamlarız.
 We received a lot of practical information about the practical side of ESC programs. The solidarity corps webpage, the mobility app and Salto Youth.
 We learned that the choosing the right partners is crucial in order to develop a succesful project. It is possible that you cannot work with a partner  too.
 We also got introduced to the volunteering concept and it’s tremendous impact on the local society and economic growth. We learned the steps how to carry out a project. We got enlightened what is the difference between EVS and ESC volunteering and how can we involved and also involve others. Non-formal way we learned a lot of about cooperation, teamwork and partnership and informal way we got many many cultural information about each participating country. We got move confident speaking in public, the audience is really open-minded and nice, tolerant.
 In one week through the games we really got the opportunity to get to know each other in a personal level. We learned the we are able to participate actively and take the lead if it is necessary.
 Istanbul was also amazing, the mosques, food, people etc. Super alive and pumping. Also glad that we made good connections and talks with our turkish coordinator Serdar, he was explaining a lot about the culture, customs and international relations.
 Great seminar, fantastic people and a really useful start of December.
Livia Oelberg, Laura Zsófia Oelberga 
Cio People!!!
*We learnt to book a room in a proper way before booking a room in a hotel we should check the reviews.
*We gained new skills and knowledge about ESC.
*We also experienced new methods, we have to present a project.
*We learnt how to cope with risk in a project.
*We got an overcome view of all the European Projects.
*We learnt to work and collaborate in a team.
*We improved our communication skills (our English and also new words in other languages.
*We got to know how to write a project.
*We realized that we did not know so much about Turkey and Istanbul’s history.  We enjoy very much some of the main historical places in the city like St. Sofia Basilic, Galata Bridge.
*We understood that Follerance and Dathy are really important to communicate with people from different cultures.
*We understood better the difference between non-formal and in-formal education and formal education.
*We improve our diplomatic skills.
*We realized the real obstacles and challenges an NGO has to face when it has to create and organise a project.
*We got  through deeply into the volunteering world.
*We know have a more please opinion about the aim of European solidarity corps and solidarity corps projects.
*We also learn how to profitly use our tools in a different situation.
*We also improved our organisational skills.
*We enjoyed to live and share experiences with people from all over the world. 
*We had a great experiences with people from all over the world. 
*We had a great experience and this project definitely had and will always have a magic and powerful on our lives.
Leonardo and Elena

Hello!!!  From 03.12.2019 till 03.10.2019 we were participated in a training project "Let's Get Organized For ESC" which is located in Istanbul, Turkey. During this 7 days we learned how to make a project if you have only idea. We learned how to manage it, deal with the risk, include people with fever opportunities, what the differences between ESC 1,2,3 and Erasmus+ projects.
 One of the most useful and interesting part for us was work in teams. For every task we were separated differently and we have to deal with it, but still it was really funny and useful. But the biggest opportunity what I get is partnerships! As well an friendship with some of participants. Working in teams and staying in a one room with foreign people was very useful and interesting experience, because I had to use all my communition and language skills.
 In this project frameworks we visited one of the most famous and beautiful city in the world- Istanbul. We saw a lot of historical places as Ayosopia museum, brand bazars, sea and much more beautiful places. And now we will make new partnership and come back here again!
Samira Zelizaveta Garajeva, Anastasija Leonchuk

 It was first time in Istanbul. It was nice to be catched in city before reached the meeting point. It shows how good organization works. We were waiting for the bus with smiling people who were smiling all other days too. So thats how ends our first day in the middle of the forest.
 On the next day the works started. We do not how any minutes of rest in this work-shop-training-meeting, but it was nice and useful. We can separate each day by day and tell what did everyone , but we still  tell left the biggest impression and impact for us.
 First was teambuilting and explanations of tasks by games who explained situations much better then any theory. For example, games of “Dates Time” with meaning poncho’s of our own countries NGO and also was interesting to create owns organization. Working in always let us share ideas and get well know each other. Also theory was easy to absorb by business and members of project who were sharing their own experience.
 So in conclusion we want to say that we are happy to be here, learn new information and meet new people. Also intercultural night let us meet different countries in funny way. Once again volunteering make the better place in world for living. Thank you for opportunity to be here.

Šarūnė Šidlauskaitė, Augustas Petronis

Hi, we are Justyna and Renata from Stowarzyszenie, Morena in Gdańsk, Poland. We worked in NGO mainly focused on young people and community development. We decided to take part in this project because we saw it as a chance to make good partnerships. Turkey welcomed as with harshy weather, delicious food and hospitable people.
 From the first day the training began in full swing. We got a chance to meet all the participants and their organizations. We’ve got to know better the European Solidarity Corps Program and differences with EVS. We liked the most debated where we could share our opinions and exchange experiences. We loved the creative methods used during activities and always smiling trainers. It was a great idea to finish the days with cultural evenings. Thanks to that we integrated even better as a group. We loved the atmosphere of the project and people who participated in it. Thank you for having us and we are looking forward to future collaborations.
 Yakında görüşürüz!
Renata Dębska, Justyna Kiermasz

-We got a better understanding of the concept of ESC
-We developed new skills and knowledge about the ESC programme.
 We were able to set up new partnerships with the other organizations for future reference.
-We shared some useful tools (Q! and Salto).
-We learned more about risk management, organizational and burocratic topics and lots.
-We are going to use this knowledge on our personal and Professional environment.
-Maybe in the future we can create our personal NGO and use this tools ourselfs.
-The professionalism and sympathy of the IYACA team.
-The activities were easy to understand while very useful to the project.
-The conditions of the hotel and staff members were amazing.
-The new cultural and language experiences we got from the other participants.
-The new knowledge we are able to bring home and use on our daily lives.
Joana Gomes, Ana Santos
  This week we attended training courses, within the project "Let’s get Organized for ESC", in Istanbul, Turkey.
 The methods used during the program were based on non-formal education in an atmosphere where participants can learn a lot from each other and have fun at the same  time.
 We liked Intercultural evening, because, after the long, but productive days, we had a chance to relax and learn more about other countries and cultures represented on the project in an informal and fun way. On this occasion we made many friends.
 On Saturday we had the opportunity to visit and get to know the Turkish culture closely. On this day we visited Hagia Sophia Museum, The Blue Mosque( The Sultanahmet Mosque ),  The Topkapi Palace, The Grand Bazaar and  The Spice Bazaar.
 Then I tasted the traditional food J, as well: lahmacun, șiș Kebap and Turkish coffee, of course,! We ate some amazing desserts, at Hafiz Mustafa 1864, such as: Kunefe and Baklava.
 We are excited because it was a different educational experience, through the participation of the main partners of European Solidarity Corps programme, youth workers, youth leaders, representatives of youth organizations from coordinating, sending and hosting organisations from different European countries.
 The main aspect of the ESC experience was that we developed our independent nature,  we learned to deal with the resources we had available and managed to get the most out of this experience.
 We liked all the activities and we fiind them very usefull: simulationes, interactives workshopes, team-building games. Energizers were very funny !
 Everything is amazing!
 Güle güle!
Iuliana Lazarescu, Popovici Mirela, İrina Borş

 Labas - Merhaba- Hello!!!
 Contact making seminars always giving possibilities for organizations to create sustainable partnerships. With this seminar my expectation as a trainer was high to encourage people and organizations cooperate with each other on European Solidarity Corps (ESC hereafter) projects. Some representatives of organizations already have got more and some have got less experiences working in the ESC field. The program was devoted for creating partnerships and one more time pass through all the steps of project preparation under ESC program.
 During the seminar together with colleague we used innovative, creative, collaboration fostering, communication fostering methods which helped the participants to share their ideas, thoughts about their future project ideas.
 Contact making seminar was successful because participants learnt a lot through non formal education methods, at the same time new project ideas and partnership developed.
Trainer - Zivile Jankauskaite Turkmen

Hi everyone!
 We are Selma, Gülcan, Irem and Ayhan from Turkey. We want to tell you our “Let’s Get Organized for ESC” training course project. We joined a lot of activities during project. Firstly, we met each other with an enjoyable game. Then we create a garden of the project. We wrote our fears and expectation about project. We set some rules we should do during the project. Than we awared to be a team with team building games. Sometimes, we connected without speaking. Sometimes we built a bridge just talking with our eyes. We learnt lots of things be a team. The other days, we talked about Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC). We learnt what is ESC, what kind of project we can write and the policy of ESC. All of us the volunteers of some kind of NGO’s. We told our NGO’s and our experiences. It was the most useful time for us, because we focused of what can we do together other this project. We talked about ESC process. We learnt about how can we manage the volunteers and the project. All we need is an aim to move our brain and heart.
 We are happy to be here. We met perfect people. We learnt about other cultures. We are waiting for follow up project. See you soon guys.
Selmanur Çapçı, Gülcan Taslak, Irem Gorga, Ayhan Gorga

   I am Velislav Kotevski form Bulgaria. My organization is Bulgarian Youth Forum. I have got an oppotunity to be part of a project called “Let’s Get Organized For ESC”. The project was in Istanbul, Turkey. It is my fifth one. Even though I have experience, I learnt a lot. Through the first day we had we had many team-building games and activities because we did not know each other. We had to introduce ourselves and our NGO’s. In the next day we learned about ESC projects, how to write and how to participate.
 We also had intercultural night. We shared stories, tradition, and food. I met many positive people from each part of Europe. Now I feel mora motivated to take part of a project or even write one.
 Thank you for everything. Good luck with your future projects.
Velislav Kotevski

Hello People !!!
It’s been quite a year for we and this journey was just another addition with in the row of numerous memories.
 It all started at 8.30pm at Central Railway Station Sofia when we and my Bulgarian cotravellers got on the train. I did not know that the trains to our Southeastern neighbour are operated only by the Turkish Railways, but boy, are the trains fancy! The beds in the train were with clean sheets I and besides the 1h wait on the Turkish border control point. I feel as if I just felt asleep and woke up seeing the beautiful suburbs of Istanbul.
 Just I a little note for anyone visiting the border control would not let you bring more one little of alcohol or 2L of wine. It is an either or rather than and situation. Yeah! It caused us exactly 2L of good home-made wine.
 We arrived at Halkalı train sitation and first thing and I noticed-name speaks English. Also,  the information I got from our railways was false and we had to use the light railways to get to the city. Anyways, after three attempts, I found out that the person and the ticket office speaks Bulgarian. That phenomenon occured to us two more times while going around the city.
 I’ve visited a few big cities and there is no way for we not to compare them. Walking through the streets makes you feel live as if you are in a beautiful Italian provincial town. Being on Taksim square that’s something compeletely different. It is nothing  live anything I’ve ever seen. Huge, spacious and with an unrecognisable shape. Through the traffic and the dirty streets made we feel as if  I was at a worse version of my own city, the atmophere I felt on the boat going through the Bosphorus with the black tea, the beautiful view these 1000-year-old walls, centuries-old palaces, mosques and ect. make you feel as it you are in a fairytail.
 The place of the meeting was right next to the arrival point of the city boat. The day was cold and there was a fog. The group of energetic cheerful people was waiting involved in light conversations, trying to yet to know each other.
 These people were the owes I’d spend a great week with.
Emanuil Pavlov
  The preparation for the travel started few days before the beginning of the project. I met with the team from my sending organization at the railway station in Sofia and we all together entered in the train that brought us to Istanbul early on Dec,3. I was falling happy and satisfied that I was again in Turkey and in this beautiful megapolis. We had a walk in the city and we saw some at the most remarkable symbols that Istanbul was having for us. While the sun was going down under the horizon we were riding a ferry to our meeting point where we had an appointment with the rest of the participants and from where we all together started our final trip to the accommodation place. All at us were exausted but after a nice meal we found time to talk a little bit were about ourself.
 The second day was the real beginning of the project we had useful and funny activities and games that helped us to know each other better and build us as a team. Everyone of us presented our organization and shared the activities that we are involved in. Everything finished with one funny cultural night where we had the amazing opportunity to taste traditional delicious foods and drinks and also to dance typical dances.
 On day No:3 we got involved in the topic and we were more informed about ESC, how it Works, what is the idea of it. We saw why it is so important to volunteer, what actions and we should do and how to achieve the results we are aiming for. In the evening the results we were having an again one brilliant culture night.
 On the next day we woke up with huge working motivation ready to explore the quality ESC path the steps you have to walk if you want to implement a project. We finished again with a cultural night and after this night we were even more awarded about the traditions and rituals for the countries we were from are having.
 Our next day was a free day. Some of us want to Istanbul and had the opportunity to taste  the culture, the one part stayed in the hotel and enjoy their relaxing time in the sauna and walking around the forest.
 On day 6, we learnt 60 up results exchange that the connections and relaying on something is the thing that keeps us strong by this tool we can succeed.
 On the last day we were a little bit sad because the end was coming but we were cheerful up by the fact we that we huge opportunity to build new project ideas and organize them.

Velizar Batakliev

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